Search condition "Product purpose : Reaction solvents"
27 products correspond to the condition.
Product name | Chemical name |
Methyl Glycol MG | Ethyleneglycol mono Methyl ether |
Methyl Di Glycol MDG | Diethyleneglycol mono Methyl ether |
Isopropyl Glycol iPG | Ethyleneglycol mono iso Propyl ether |
Butyl Glycol BG | Ethyleneglycol mono Butyl ether |
Butyl Di Glycol BDG | Diethyleneglycol mono Butyl ether |
iso Butyl Glycol iBG | Ethyleneglycol mono iso Butyl ether |
iso Butyl Di Glycol iBDG | Diethyleneglycol mono iso Butyl ether |
Hexyl Glycol HeG | Ethyleneglycol mono Hexyl Ether |
Hexyl Di Glycol HeDG | Diethyleneglycol mono Hexyl Ether |
2-Ethyl Hexyl Glycol EHG | Ethyleneglycol mono 2-Ethylhexyl Ether |
2-Ethyl Hexyl Di Glycol EHDG | Diethyleneglycol mono 2-Ethylhexyl Ether |
Methyl Propylene Glycol MFG | Propyleneglycol mono Methyl ether |
Methyl Propylene Di Glycol MFDG | Dipropyleneglycol mono Methyl ether |
Propyl Propylene Glycol PFG | Propylene glycol mono Propyl ether |
Propyl Propylene Di Glycol PFDG | Dipropyleneglycol mono Propyl ether |
Butyl Propylene Glycol BFG | Propyleneglycol mono Butyl ether |
Di Methyl Glycol DMG | Ethyleneglycol Di Methyl ether |
Di Methyl Glycol S DMG-S | Ethyleneglycol Di Methyl ether |
Di Methyl Di Glycol DMDG | Diethyleneglycol Di Methyl ether |
Di Methyl Tri Glycol DMTG | Triethyleneglycol Di Methyl ether |
Di Methyl Tri Glycol SS DMTG-SS | Triethyleneglycol Di Methyl ether |
Di Methyl Tetra Glycol DMTeG | Tetraethyleneglycol Di Methyl ether |
Methyl Ethyl Di Glycol MEDG | Diethyleneglycol Methyl Ethyl ether |
Di Ethyl Di Glycol DEDG | Diethyleneglycol Di Ethyl ether |
Di Butyl Di Glycol DBDG | Diethyleneglycol Di Butyl ether |
Di Methyl Di Propylene Glycol DMFDG | Dipropylene Glycol Di Methyl ether |
TexnolⓇ MOZ T-MOZ | 3-Methyl-2-Oxazolidinone |
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